Columbia Students Demanding Refunds Due to Anti-Israel Protests, Classes Going Virtual
“So Columbia University tarnished the reputability of my degree.. do I get a refund?”

Columbia University officials twiddle their thumbs as the anti-Israel dumbs occupy the lawns and Jewish students feel unsafe.
The school went virtual or hybrid for the rest of the term.
Students want a refund, even those who already graduated, while some changed their plans:
Faculty without the means to provide hybrid classes were urged to consider the fully remote option, and to “provide other accommodations liberally” in the final days of the semester.
Those on campus, however, said the move was disappointing.
Junior Michael D’Agostino, 22, said the hybrid classes were frustrating given “the amount we pay to be at this school to learn from these amazing faculties and professors.”
“I’m studying applied physics and applied math and those are classes I really benefit from being in-person. I went through COVID and all that when we were online for about a year and it really disrupted our education,” he added.
“I really think it’s disheartening to see how our education is being punished as a result of this,” he said of the school’s response to the protests. “I think it’s really sad.”
This cannot continue.
And tuition is what at Columbia? $90K?@Columbia (not tax payers!) should refund full tuition to all Jewish students who ask for it for the 2023-2024 academic year.— Melanie Notkin (@SavvyAuntie) April 21, 2024
So Columbia University tarnished the reputability of my degree.. do I get a refund?
— Liberty Copula 🇮🇱 (@libertycopula) April 21, 2024
First of my Jewish friends whose kid was going to go to @Columbia this Fall just changed their plans, now to go to Case Western.
My guess is we will see a trend.
— Pradheep J. Shanker, M.D. (@neoavatara) April 23, 2024
"I have no intention of returning to campus at this point. It's dangerous. The administration has proven that they have absolutely no intention of protecting Jewish students or any students who aren't pro-terror."
— Columbia University senior@EmmaRechenberg @ShaunKraisman
— NEWSMAX (@NEWSMAX) April 23, 2024

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to the full extent allowed by law.
This whole thing just got many times more interesting.
“Columbia Protestors Clarify They Only Want Death To America After America Is Done Paying Their Student Loans”
– The Babylon Bee
That could actually be so.
If any of these Jewish kids think they have a chance winning any suits in court against Columbia .,.. LOL.
Our courts are complete farces. Chances are better that the hamas supporters would win court cases against Jewish students for the Jews making the poor hamas supporters feel uncomfortable just by them being Jewish around the poor, widdle hamas-lovers.
Judge Merchan should have ample time on his docket, by then, to help out the hamas people …
On the other hand … I would remind people, Columbia has always loved arab terrorists and muslim lunatics. They had their prized pet, Edward Said – mouthpiece of the despicable PLO scum – on staff for decades and Columbia was more than happy to invite Iranian lunatic Ahmadinejad over to give a lecture about decency and the religion of pieces.
Anyone who willingly went to Columbia went there with access to this information and should have known that they were going to a school that loves islamic and arab terrorism and hates America and the West.
You might not be aware of the results obtained by those who do the work of vindicating equal rights in this country. Go here to find out more about it:
Sometimes, you just have to sue the bastards.
In this case, every non-terrorist student should demand a refund for allowing a hostile study environment. Yes, the Jewish students were the ostensible targets, but the Hamas supporters stunk up the place for everybody.
I was speaking, somewhat tongue-in-cheek. Of course the Jewish students deserve refunds (and then some). They are paying for something they are not getting. But I don’t think they really have much of a chance with our judicial system and the idiots and criminals populating it.
More important than these refunds would be that all federal money is stopped for the universities – certainly not a dime more goes to paying for tuition or room and board or books and equipment for any student. NOT A DIME. And they are profit-making organizations and should have tax-exempt/tax-deductible status removed from them and any money that private entities give to them. Short of that, nothing else done is going to matter because the federal government just shovels too much free money at these putrid institutions and the tax status allows buys them too much other money – most of which would never get to them were it not for the tax-deductions.
I have stories about Columbia and Jews that go back 100 years that I could tell you about. None of this is anything new, there. There’s a reason why CCNY was a top school for a while, having graduated lots and lots of world class scientists and Nobel winners (back when the Nobel in hard sciences actually meant something). There were tons of top-tier Jews right in New York City … but Columbia didn’t want to have anything to do with them, so they went the only place they could go – CCNY. Of course, then New York City destroyed CCNY by making it open enrollment – i.e. a total mockery of a school.
Good, and they should be given those refunds.
Plus punitive damages.
Throw NYC into the suit, too, for failing to enforce the law.
They say NYPD cannot come on campus at Columbia without being invited by the administration, since it’s a private university. This is on the administration there 100%. This is probably somewhat easier at NYU with less of a defined campus, and they do seem to have busted up the nonsense at NYU.
This administration is all in with the Jew hate. They will do nothing.
They will hopefully go bankrupt. Take away their fed money, enrollment down %50 what’s to not like?
I’m all for refunds to these students who have been adversely affected by the anti-Israel protests, but can we refer to the refunds as . . .
. . . “reparations”?
A group of lawyers saw what was happening to Rittenhouse. They got together and found lawyers for his team and set up funding.
Why doesn’t Proffessor jacobson do something for the student to help them find start a class action suit against the University? He doesn’t have to represent them opr do any legal work, just =help create the team.
I suspect Prof Jacobson has his hands full coordinating a website and several Legal Advocacy Foundations already defending our liberties.
Not to worry though, I feel confident that there’s plenty of legal acumen and financial heft among the Parents, Grand Parents, Uncles, Aunts and other family members of the current Students. Not to mention among the disgruntled Alumni and the volunteerism from interested observers such as yourself to assist.
So the assholes in Columbia administration aren’t going fully remote, but “hybrid”. So those who get along with the terrorists have class in person, and those who are afraid or are terrorized are generously allowed to dial in. This is far worse than requiring everything remote.
The Jewish students should succeed with a big civil rights lawsuit and own that university after the judgment.
If anything those who ‘went terrorist’ should be the ones required to dial in, if they aren’t actually expelled. From a cannon. Over the Grand Canyon. With no parachute.
Of course, but that won’t happen, partly because Jews are too merciful.
Have we forgotten how to make tear gas?
Someone threw liquid at those precious demonstrators. They were suspended, according to Minouche Shafik in her House testimony. The House members who went to Columbia mentioned that today, calling this alleged assault “fake”.
The pro-Israelis are expected to behave perfectly, or there’s a punishment. The pro-Palestinians are asked not to kill or maim anyone if they can avoid it.
I am starting to think Minouche Shafik should be behind bars.
Columbia has an endowment of over $13 billlion. Not much by Harvard standards, but enough to fund irresponsible leadership for a long time. It really is up to Columbia’s board of trustees to step in and clean house. I doubt the board is willing to its job.
Funded by Qatar, and enough money to do without its long time Jewish donors. They’ve made a choice, but it has to be said they have the power to succeed at it at least for a while.
I’m amazed anyone thinks Columbia and its’ faculty are amazing.
It’s probably going to take another entire generation before these “woke” institutions really feel the effects of declining enrollment.
I’m torn; Terrorlumbia, or Hamalumbia University?
Learn to weld, kids.
Ivy League University Installs Jew Detectors At All Entrances
then they need to check at the donations/contributor counters first
while the rioters demand reparations
the students are being cheated out of what they signed up for
Only the Jewish students. The pro-Palestinians live rent-free in the center of campus and can walk to class when they like.
see the fear of “recreating” the 1960s water cannons etc is not going to play well with the marxist leaders in charge
wait until the dnc chicago summer meetup!!
shut down the university for EVER!
Students should consider suing not only the school for failing to enforce its rules and deliver the promised education, but also the protestors and anyone providing organizational support or financing for the protestors. Their illegal activity is depriving them of their educational opportunity.
Might this be grounds for a RICO claim?
Excuse me…….but TAXPAYERS get the refund! These BRATS didn’t pay a dime…..THEY caused this to happen…..If anything they should get the BOOT!
Go HOME to momsum’s and dadsum’s basement and play video games n dress up like terror……ists tills your old age…….